A Steadfast Faith

March 2025

We are grateful for your constant prayers for us and those we minister to. Life continues on, and some prayers have been answered even as new needs have arisen.

C is making a good recovery from the necessary back and hip/leg surgeries, to the point that we have resumed holding our Tuesday night Bible study at J&C's house, allowing them to once again be a part of the study. Please pray with us for continued healing there; also for BR, whom James took to the hospital for what turned out to be a muscle tear; and for B's recovery from a recent surgery. Beyond these physical needs, please keep praying with us for their salvation, and the salvation of RG and R&R.

We are encouraged by continuing fruit from the jail ministry in Kemmerer, and the hunger the state inmates have for the Word of God. Pray for some of the inmates who have since been moved to other facilities, that they will continue in God's Word.

With spring approaching on the calendar, although not in the weather forecast (we're currently in the midst of another major snowstorm), we are beginning to look toward Easter and preparing for special Sunday services at both churches. In Kemmerer, we are praying that our recent visitors will continue to come, and that those who were regular attendees but have been missing lately will return. In Cokeville, we are praying that Easter Sunday would be the reason to come for those who have been invited!

We are also anticipating further searching for a house once the weather warms up. Pray that this will be the year we get to have our first home! Additionally, we may soon need to look for a cheap second vehicle. Our van, which was given to us the winter after we moved to Kemmerer, has been having problems that the mechanic cannot figure out. We are going to try to keep it running, but a second car is very helpful when James has to be gone overnight, or on Sundays when he needs to be at church much earlier than Elizabeth. Pray for us to have wisdom and provision if it becomes necessary for us to replace the van.

On the health front, James is doing much the same. Elizabeth has had some good reports regarding her Wegener's, but also has a combined praise-and-request for something that was found on a recent scan and required a biopsy. We are praising God that the results came back clear and non-cancerous, but she will likely need surgery in the coming months to have that spot removed. We are thankful God preserved her health in this matter and gave us peace through the process and waiting!

We appreciate your support and faithful prayers, and trust that God is working through them in His perfect ways and timing!

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