A Steadfast Faith

May 2024

The last two months have been a marathon and roller-coaster all rolled into one. At the beginning of April, we made an offer on a house that was accepted - and so began multiple weeks of going to the prospective house for inspections and estimates of everything that wasn't up to code. After all of that, we approached the seller for either a reduction on the price or repairs. Unfortunately, the sellers were unwilling to do either.

We are grateful for the Lord's direction in this, as the more we got into the inspections and estimates on the house, the more significant problems we found. He clearly closed off the options with the seller to prevent us from getting into a house that would be a money and time sink.

Please continue to pray with us that God will provide us with the right house before the end of the "warm" months. We are praying specifically for a place with yard space for a couple dogs; room for the books, dishes, and furniture we currently have in storage; space to host church activities; and a dedicated guest room for ministry interns, exchange students, or visiting missionaries and family. Unfortunately most of what's on the market is either no bigger than what we're currently renting or in very rough shape, and almost all are overpriced for their size or condition! We know that God's timing and provision will be just what we need, and when we need it, but we would appreciate your continued prayers for us to have wisdom and clear direction to a place that we can both enjoy and use for God's glory.

Meanwhile, the day we received that final "no" from the sellers, we were in the midst of the regional FBFI and NWBM fellowship meeting that we helped host in Kemmerer. James organized all the tech and music aspects, and Elizabeth played for several of the sessions. It was busy - and exhausting! - but we enjoyed a refreshing time with other regional pastors and their wives.

In Kemmerer, we were able to cover the first Sunday of May so that the Hartmans could go to Casper for the one-year anniversary of the birth and passing of their grandson Samuel. We are thankful that God has placed us here with the Hartmans, who so often are a help and encouragement to us, and for opportunities that we can be a help to them. Pray for the church in Kemmerer, for wisdom on expanding the building, continued spiritual growth, and the many visitors we have had recently.

We also covet your prayers for those in Cokeville who have heard the Gospel, but are still trusting in religion and works. Over the last few weeks, James has had some very good conversations with BR about truth and what is true. He has been able to share with BR how even the events of our world align with the truth of God's Word, and encourage him to seek answers from the Bible for himself. Additionally, keep praying that God would bring more people to Cokeville, especially someone to help us establish a full-time children's ministry.

Looking ahead to the summer months, we are already gearing up for VBS in Kemmerer and Cokeville, and possibly also in Manila, UT. Pray with us for these ministry events, that we will have children come and that some will be saved.

On the health front, we are happy to report that Elizabeth is continuing to improve and has hopefully had her last infusion for a while (she is still taking a weekly medication to keep the Wegener's in remission). Please pray for her as she continues to regain her strength from the last treatment, and also that it will be a long while before she needs another one. Also, pray for both of us to have extra strength and energy as we move into the warmer and busier months. James continues to be the same with struggles at times, but God has been giving grace as needed. And finally, continue to pray for our family member who is currently going through monthly cancer treatments.

We are grateful for all of your prayers and support, and how God uses them to supply all our needs and build His church!

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