A Steadfast Faith

October 2024

The beautiful yellow and brilliant red leaves that we are enjoying this fall remind us of the beauty of God's design in creation. Even the beauty of His design of each person, which has been tragically marred by sin. Yet with the changing of the seasons, we are reminded of the hope for each marred creature: that God transforms hearts and lives! To that end, continue praying with us as we minister and preach the Gospel in the Mountain West.

We ask you to intercede with us in prayer for our regular Cokeville attendees as we are wrapping up a deep dive in John 3. As BR expressed when asked what he thought about Jesus' teaching, there is no other way. Pray that this truth - that they personally must be born again by Christ - will sink into their hearts, and that BR, C&J, B, R&R, and RG will all be saved.

In conjunction with the John 3 series, James has had several good and direct conversations with BR about salvation. Pray that this one may be the first fruits of our labor here. Also, pray for C and R, who are both going through major medical issues, and specifically that these health concerns will cause them to trust in Christ alone!

We survived the busyness of our mission board's annual fellowship at the end of September. Thank you for your prayers. The preaching and fellowship time was an encouragement, and God gave us the strength we needed to serve in various ways during the conference. Even with a night of little to no sleep, God gave more grace!

Our upcoming trip for a mission conference has been canceled. However, we will still be traveling in the next few weeks, flying to Massachusetts to visit Elizabeth's mom and help her for a week. Additionally, we will get to be with one of our supporting churches in Plymouth, and James will also be preaching there. We are grateful for God's provision to allow us this trip and ask for you to pray for our travel, both for safety as well as energy.

There is not much of an update on our housing search. The general reality of our area is that all of the properties on the market are overpriced, and the ones that would fit our needs are above our budget. We have still been looking and looking at fixer-uppers, but God has not provided anything yet. We are asking that He direct us to a new place before the snow comes, but our prayers are for not our will, but His to be done. On that note, please pray for snow (or rain) to come soon, as there are several large wildfires growing rapidly throughout Wyoming.

We praise God for what He is doing, and for your prayers and support along the way!

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