A Steadfast Faith

September 2024

Thank you for praying for the ministry and for those we are ministering to. In our weekly jail ministry, we are seeing fruit! First of all, with the state inmates and their desire to learn more about God. These men, condemned for crimes and serving sentences, have been exhibiting spiritual fruit and growing in Christ. Also, under the preaching of a fellow pastor, Jay Sprecher from Thayne, WY, a lady new to the county side of the jail accepted Christ. We are thankful for God's working in their lives. Please continue to pray for those hearing the Gospel in the jail, as well as the community in Kemmerer and Cokeville.

In Cokeville, BR continues to show signs of being drawn by the Holy Spirit and under conviction. Pray fervently with us, as James preaches through the narrative of Jesus and Nicodemus from John 3, that all those attending will come to salvation. As we ask each month, pray for God to be working in the hearts of J&C, B, RG, BR, and R&R.

In Kemmerer, we urgently need your continued prayers for the necessary building expansion. This past week, we finally had an engineer start the evaluation process for whether we can expand upward. This evaluation is crucial for its determination as well as whether it is possible to ask the city for a variance of the building code. On our current property in Kemmerer, up and slightly out is the only option for expansion. We need classroom space for a teen class, plus we need to move the children's class, nursery, and office in order to expand the sanctuary while still having room for fellowships. Your prayers are vital in this process, both that the building will handle a second story and that the city will approve it.

Thank you for your prayers for our first ministry trip this fall. James was able to travel to Marysvale, UT, for the opening of Legacy Trade College. Though the travel did cause some difficulty for James with the flaring of symptoms and mobility issues, God was good. Pray for the college, and pray for James as he continues to help them with technical needs and building out their digital systems.

At the end of this month, we will be traveling to Grantsville, UT, for the Northwest Baptist Missions' yearly fellowship meeting. We will be helping with the music and A/V needs at the fellowship. Pray for spiritual refreshing for us and all the missionaries.

In October, James is scheduled to go to a friend's church in Kansas for a mission conference. Pray for our and the church's preparations and for the travel.

Elizabeth is doing well and is improving little by little, but each step is difficult. Pray with us that she will have endurance for our NBM fellowship meeting at the end of the month and for all she does in the ministry each week.

We thank God for what He is doing, your prayers, and your support!

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