A Steadfast Faith

February 2021

Welcome to February! We are finally starting to catch up on snow here in Kemmerer, although it has still been a very warm and dry winter overall. While that may sound wonderful to many of you, the lack of moisture could cause problems for our area come fire season. But it is good to know that God is in control of the weather - as well as the state of our nation and everything else!

We bring you this update from quarantine, as Elizabeth has received two rounds of treatment to suppress her immune system over the past few weeks. We are thankful that this medication is... (Read more)

December 2020

At this time of year, as we spend more time with family and the many activities we enjoy, let us not forget the gift of Christ and the awful cost of our sin. In remembrance of the birth of Jesus our Savior, take the opportunity this Christmas to share the Good News: Jesus was born, died, and rose again -- all in accordance with God's plan!

We have continued to share this good news in Cokeville, preaching weekly on Sunday and teaching Bible study on Tuesday nights. We are looking forward to a special Christmas service on the 20th with readings concerning Christ's... (Read more)

October 2020

It’s hard to believe October is halfway over already. Fall is arriving in many places, and departing from others. We have already enjoyed the colors of God's paintbrush as He changed the aspens into golden pillars amidst the dusty ground and dark green conifers in the mountains.

Over the past month we have also enjoyed the joy of visits from family and friends, and the beauty of Christian fellowship during our annual conference with Northwest Baptist Missions. Like many other planned activities in 2020, this year's fellowship happened... (Read more)

August 2020

Praise to our Lord for what He has done during VBS in Cokeville! This year we had helping hands from the Make a Timothy Today (MTT) missions team, which made Bible School in Cokeville possible this year. MTT helped in many ways including distributing flyers to the whole area and running the VBS, allowing us to interact with the kids and take care of other tasks behind the scenes.

God worked marvelously throughout the week as we had a record high of 30+ children come each day! Even greater than the numbers, we also had several children make professions of faith, with... (Read more)

May 2020

What a difference a month can make! After so many weeks at home, conducting business and ministry over video calls and livestreams, we are slowly transitioning back to meeting in person. We’ve had services in Kemmerer the past 2 weeks, and we are resuming our meetings in Cokeville this week at the senior center. Though things still look a little different—masks and extra space, for example—we are grateful to be physically together again.

We are also looking forward to this summer, when the MTT (Make A Timothy Today) team will be stopping to help us for a week. Our... (Read more)

April 2020

When fear began sweeping our nation in mid-March, we were experiencing our own test of faith as James went into the hospital for intensive physical therapy. Though we have often experienced separation, it always brings challenges in life and ministry. This time was no different, as we had to become even more careful with Elizabeth's health and the possibility of any exposure to the coronavirus, as she falls into the high risk category. Additionally, James being in the hospital added difficulties to the ministry in Cokeville. Yet with all those challenges, God was faithful to... (Read more)

March 2020

Over the last month, we received great encouragement from many of you and our fellow laborers in Northwest Baptist Missions. We asked for the elders of the mission board to pray over us on the 20th of February, and we were so thankful that our sending pastor, Doug Payne, could join. We had the opportunity and blessing to have Pastor Payne with us for several days Kemmerer, and to share with him in person the opportunity in Cache County.

Please continue to pray for us as James will be going into the hospital on March 16 for three weeks of intensive physical therapy.... (Read more)

February 2020

We apologize for our silence the last few months! Much has remained "status quo" as far as health and housing are concerned, and of course the holidays are always a busy time in ministry.

Last month, James had the opportunity to attend the Arch pastor's fellowship in Florida and be one of the featured church planters. This was an especially encouraging time, with several offers of help with physical provision associated with the start of a new church. It was a special blessing for James to also spend some time with our sending church pastor, Pastor Doug Payne, who... (Read more)

November 2019

Your continued prayer and specific acts of support and encouragement, especially during this extended time of difficulty, is very dear to our hearts. Through them, God has given us the strength and ability to continue doing what He has called us to do.

Some minor progress has been made on the health front for James. He just started physical therapy for balance and mobility, and we are encouraged by the therapist's optimism concerning full recovery. He also has another upcoming appointment with a different neurologist, who will hopefully do more diagnostic work and... (Read more)

September 2019

The past two months have been rather full with some unexpected twists and turns. Our ministry in Cokeville and Kemmerer has continued, and we are excited to report that our partners the Adanks have bought a house in Logan and are moving over this month!

However, August brought about another prayer request. While James was away in mid-August for his Army training, he began experiencing dizziness, nausea, seizure-like convulsions, and loss of motor control in his legs, along with severe fatigue. He spent some time in the hospital, and Elizabeth was able to catch a ride... (Read more)